15 February 2011

Rub a Pub Pub - Do The Brits Do It Better?

There are several things that I think the British might do better than us in the USA.  The weekends always are a wind down time and here in the Village of Midlothian, Va, USA you might find a group of friends gathering around a bar for a couple of rounds. 

Our rounds might consist of a Cosmopolitan or Fireflies instead of a pint of bitters.  It's actually amazing that the Cosmopolitan has lasted so long as the staple of the woman's menu it is actually becoming "old fashion-ed".  And our bars' names certainly lack imagination:  Caddy's, Bailey's, Sports Page, Wild Ginger, Mediterrano and the like. 

Now, let's take a look at a couple of the names that I might have the chance to frequent on my upcoming trip - The Old Queen's Head, Tiger Tiger, Anchor and Hope, The Cow, The Dog and Duck, just to name a few of the 4500 pubs in London!!!!  Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese sounds like my kind of spot - after all, Charles Dickens had a pint there and so might I! 

Cheers and cheerio!

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