24 April 2011

Phishing for Fun

Many of my loyal readers know that I am London bound this week in honor of the Royal Wedding.  My preparations have been intense (I have even cleaned the frig and washed the clothes).  Trying to review all contingencies is one of my strong suits or obessions (according to the family).

So now I wonder what would happen if I was mugged in London and tried to get my friends to wire me funds!   Oh no, would they think it was a scam and ignore.  Early on in my Facebook years, someone did manage to hack my account and send out a desperate plea to my 500 plus bestest buddies!  And guess how many of them were concerned.  ONE!  That's right only one person called to determine if I was in need.  Thank you Leroy Houser.  

Such is my concern that I have decided to take precautions ahead of time.  Let's just go ahead and assume that I will need some extra pounds on my trip abroad.  Go ahead and drop me some cash in the mailbox and that way I won't have to worry anyone while I am away.  If each of my 1000 plus friends sent a dollar or two then I am certain I could pay my ransom and share a brew with my kidnappers.  It pays to be prepared!  Or rather, please pay me to be prepared.  

Pip, pip and cheerio.

1 comment:

  1. Just have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures!!!! You deserve it!
